"Reaching Out to Those in Need"
Yohmans' Garden believes in giving back and paying it forward. We're reminded of our blessings and always reminded that "There but by the grace of God go I."
Margaret Meade quoted: "A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." No words could be truer when it comes to the Dreams Come True Foundation. A Foundation created on the very premise of "paying it forward." As a pre-celebration to the wedding of the DCTF president and founder, Chris Douglas, a small group of friends gathered for a golf tournament, which became an annual event that grew in size and numbers over the years. At a backyard picnic following the 2009 July 4th tournament, ideas and dreams began! A few friends believed they could make a difference! And they did it -- they've made a difference. During the last several years, the Dreams Come True Foundation has raised thousands of dollars for the benefit of children in the Central Virginia area who are suffering from life-altering diseases. The Make-A-Wish Foundation and the Muscular Dystrophy Association have been the beneficiaries of the Foundation's hard work and devotion to children. Wendy is a proud member of the DCTF and is extremely proud of the Foundation's accomplishments. The Foundation welcomes you to visit their website and see the difference that this small group of people has made - www.dctf.org. After visiting, we pray that the need to pay it forward will become contagious!